it's all about You
About Cynthia... Cynthia realized early in her life that she wanted to help others solve problems, so it was no surprise she spent the first half of her career in the world of finance. In that career, she worked with employees training and helping them reach their goals. So again, it was no surprise that she took her understanding of the human spirit and its need for empowerment to the Las Vegas School District where she has designed and implemented counseling and guidance programs for students and their parents, as well as educator to educator. Cynthia realized that her passion lies in helping those in need of counseling or mental health awareness resources needed guidance from someone who could first explain the issues. Cynthia established Cynthia Rapazzini Consulting to connect misinformed communities to mental health resources and services through awareness and real facts. She also holds workshops and seminars that feature industry professionals offering tips and information through community centers and community agencies. Doctor in Philosophy in Human Services with a specialization in Counseling Studies. Master’s of Arts in Education with a specialization in School Counseling Bachelor’s of Science in Business Management |
Mental and Emotional Wellness